2021年9月6日 星期一


9/10 沒上山,只是因為傍晚夜色太美所以出門用手機拍了些照片。颱風前夕,雖然有些浮雲,但天色湛藍,呈現風雨前的寧靜。 出門買晚餐順便走到大路口拍了同在黃昏裡的眉月、金星、室女座角宿一、水星。
Moon,  Venus, Spica, Mercury 

9/4 這次觀星素描了十一個星團,使我的鞍部深空天體素描總數累積到261個。

下午下了場大雨,晚上透明度不錯,就在仙女座Nu 變星旁的仙女座星系裸眼即可見。
到鞍部時已有星友席地而坐著欣賞滿天星子了,稍晚金福跟王哥也上來了,金福測試他新買的GEM 28的Goto,解決了二、三星校正一直出現誤差沒法順利精確的走到目標的問題,原來是之前紀錄的校正資料必須先刪除。王哥則只帶著雙筒和躺椅,悠哉地認星。

Hello friends ,how do you do?
Are you just like me struggling to stay alive and keep stargazing ( the small bliss) to get through the tough time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
wish you all the best,
and I hope someday we can have a 🍺. 

The transparency was good last Saturday night. When I arrived at the Anbu parking lot, there were already friends sitting on the ground and admiring the sky full of stars.
The Andromeda Galaxy was visible to the naked eye.
Later my friends Jin Fu and Wang also came up. Jin Fu tested the goto function of his newly bought GEM-28 EQ mount, finally he solved the calibration problem after he deleted the old record. while Brother Wang was lying on his recliner and recognizing the stars leisurely via his binoculars. 

The main targets of my sketch that night were a few star clusters in the Milky Way in the fall. Because my targets' elevation angles were high that night, there was plenty of time to allow me take a look at the Veil Nebula with Pentax 105SDHF by the way. 

At last, I had sketched eleven star clusters, when I finished the sketches of the two open clusters NGC 1545 and 1528 in Perseus and completed my goal that night, bringing the total number of my sketches of deep sky objects at the Anbu to 261.


PM10:00 NGC 6723

PM10:17 NGC6633

PM 10:32
天琴座的平形四邊其中一角上的Ste 1疏散星團。

因為今晚目標的仰角都不低,所以時間充裕,便順便以Pentax 105SDHF 來看一下面紗星雲,與之前以6"牛頓(集光力口徑等效約折射130~140mm間)觀察的比較一下,兩晚的透明度差不多,那次素描觀察是在過了午夜後近兩點天空暗度SQM已超過20.1,相較今晚的19.78(AE I+0.6)還要暗了不少。以牛頓觀賞明亮明顯許多。

PM11:00 NGC6992

PM11:15 NGC6960

PM11:26 NGC6940



Pentax K3II+Samyang 16 f2+Kenko Red Enhancer, ASTROTRACER自由追蹤 100sec x4 拼接。

AM 1:00 NGC7243

AM 1:15 NGC7209

AM 1:45 NGC7789

AM 2:22 NGC559

AM 2:32 NGC1245

AM 2:40 NGC1545

AM 2:48 NGC1528

獵戶座已升上來。山稜上也有些雲冒了出頭感覺就要湧上。最後畫完英仙座的NGC1545, 1528兩個疏散星團完成今晚目標,開始收拾器材。

9/7 晚續攤



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