・禮讚黑夜 Dark-sky advocacy (關於保護星空我想說的是……)

(updated 2022'11'30)

每當我抬頭仰望星空,便開始覺得地球越來越小,最後只剩下我和腳下的方寸之地。 那一刻,我失去了方向感,神秘的宇宙在我眼前展開。 我有一種回家的感覺,時間回到了最初的時候,那時夜晚完全黑暗,星星在低語著神話,我的想像力從一個星系到另一個星系。






Healed by the starry night 被星夜療癒 :

An amazing 10 year journey on Datun Anbu (為了與國外同好交流所以本文第一部份以英文書寫。

Every time I look up at the starry sky, I feel the earth getting smaller and smaller, until only I and the square inches of ground underfoot are left. In that moment, the mysterious universe unfolds before my eyes. 

Let me introduce myself. My name is Chang Sheng Hsien (張勝賢), and I am a seasoned enthusiast in amateur astronomy with more than 20 years of experience. I am a lecturer of the school's astro-club, co-founder of TDA, stargazer, IDA member, electromechanical technician, blogger, and poet writer (you can read my poems here). Gleeman is my nickname.

I was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, and have been obsessed with stars and cosmos since childhood. 

Carl Sagan "COSMOS" , chinese edition , 1983 Taipei  ; my enlightening book of Universe 

Since I was a teenager, I kept hearing people say it’s impossible to enjoy the starry night in the suburbs of Taipei. They said there’s no hope to do serious astronomy, whether photography or visual observation, under the light pollution from the big city. So, in the following years, I tried to find a good place further away from the suburbs to find the starlights until I tried stargazing in the suburbs to see what I could see. I finally found out that it’s not true that people can’t do suburban stargazing in Taipei.
However, I also found that people lack awareness about the need to protect the dark-sky of suburbs. We and our children are losing the darkness unwittingly.

Ten years ago, I decided to start a project for myself -- a long stay at Datun Anbu Parking lot (大屯鞍部停車場)to do light pollution research and suburban stargazing.

Datun Anbu (saddle of Datun mountain) is in Yangmingshan National Park(陽明山國家公園), located at the north of Taipei City. Its altitude is about 828m, and it has an average bortle 5 dark sky (on a clear midnight, SQM @alt 45° ->north 20/ south 19.5) according to my long-term records.

The parking lot is close to the southwest corner of Lujiaokeng Ecological Conservation Zone(鹿角坑生態保護區). There are very few lights on the Balaka road (the only road through the Datun mountain ) and there are consummate reflective equipments along the load.

Balaka road

It’s only a 45-60min, 32km drive from the center of Taipei city to the Datun Anbu Parking lot. In my opinion, it’s a very suitable, convenient, safe place to do suburban stargazing for residents living in Taipei, to let the starry night heal their toiling souls.
The ten-year journey was amazing. To make a long story short, what I have achieved in these years on Datun Anbu are:

1. I had completed spectrum photography and analysis of light pollution of Taipei /Datun Anbu - the first light pollution spectrum research in Taiwan. and I had reported on the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, 2017 . Oral Session.

a field research of light sources in Taipei

skyglow spectrum photography 

skyglow spectrum of Anbu 

2. I had contacted and requested the firm of Anbu Parking lot and the management office of Yangmingshan National Park to turn the lights of Anbu Parking lot off for ten years till now, keeping the darkness of the place to be suitable for stargazing.

Milky way above Datun Anbu

3. I had completed the 333 deepsky objects EAA survey and   300 Deepsky Objects' visual observations and sketches on Anbu Parking lot, proving that people can do plentiful stargazing and astronomy in the suburbs of Taipei, with naked eyes or with a small telescope (below 8"). The old urban legend saying "people can't do stargaze on Yangmingshan" is wrong!

I was sketching deepsky objects in the visual observing.

my sketch: Butterfly  cluster(M6)

my sketch: Orion nebula(M42)

Anbu 333 DSOs' observations database

4. I have kept conducting some meetings, seminars, small stargazing parties in the astronomy community, including the dark-sky forum, to promote suburban stargazing and the protection of dark sky.

Suburban Stargazing & Amateur Astrophotography Exchange Conference 2020

5.I created and maintained the 草山星空 (The night sky above Yangmingshan) blog to record this amazing 10 year journey and built up complete knowledge of suburban stargazing.

On my blog and social net i encourage people to enjoy the suburban stargazing , and advocate for the protection of dark places in the suburbs, especially Yangmingshan.

Comet Neowise on the evening sky above Anbu

Perseids party at Anbu

2017 Perseids over Anbu (14 frames stacked)

Although I have some little achievements on Datun Anbu, there are still unaccomplished goals/wishlist I set for myself. In these years, I had suggested the managements of Yangmingshan National Park:

1. designate the area surrounding the Balaka road on Datun mountain to Stargazing and nighttime ecology friendly road" (夜間生態與星空友善道路) from the starting point of Zhuzihu Road to the Datun Nature Park. Improve all lights inside this area.
2. Install dark sky quality meters and all-sky cameras on three to five key parking lots to monitor the variations of light pollution at Yangmingshan.

AiryEye was introducing the nightsky quality monitor station on the Yangmingshan darksky fourm 2019

The suggestions mentioned above were also included in the proposal I wrote to the Yangmingshan office in February 2020. However, none of them have been accepted, despite several communications. The reasons for decline/rejection are as follows:

1. Light pollution is not an official pollution in Taipei, and therefore does not require monitoring.
2. The Yangmingshan office has no jurisdiction over the lights in Yangmingshan National Park.
3. The area around Balaka Road already belongs to a nature reserve, and therefore does not require designation as a dark-sky reserve.

Unnecessary lighting in Datun mountain. 5 Street lights was installed on entrance of road to the military exclusion zone where almost no people will visit at night . 



Unnecessary and unshielded signboard lights in the parking lots on Datun mountain, only the one at Anbu (Bottom Pic.) was turned off.

one crisis of dark-sky over Taipei. 
as shown in the picture above, In 2018,  high intensity light beams appeared in the nightsky over Yangmingshan, these lights were from a temple just built in Tamsui. Although the temple is located outside the Yangmingshan National Park, but only miles away from Datun mountain. 

I had written a letter to the office of temple (and wrote to management of  Yangmingshan too) suggesting install a timer, turn off the light after 9 or 10 PM .  I had not received any reply, but the temple people told the management of Yangmingshan that they would consider it. I found that the lights was already much fainter this year (much fainter than what the picture showed), but I will continue to keep an eye on it.

From my conversations with management, I know they put a lot of effort into protecting the wildlife in Yangmingshan. However, I noticed that the management office's website has thousands of outsourcing research papers about the natural ecosystems of Yangmingshan but not a single paper about light pollution or the night sky of Yangmingshan to date. It seems to me that they are still unaware of the impact of light pollution on the environment, just like the general public.

I got the feeling that they do not encourage tours going to Datun Mountain at night because such tours may damage the environment. As a result, they are not very interested in developing dark-sky places or stargazing tours. but given the current situation, the harm caused by stray dogs on the Balaka road to wildlife may be no less significant than the damage caused by vehicles. This calls for further observation and research.
However, they may listen when they finally realize the ecological impact of light pollution.

My stargazing-friends and I went on supporting the great conjunction observing at Yangming hot spring resort

There are already many articles on the internet about how light pollution impacts humans and other life. Artificial light at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm and melatonin and affect the growth, migration, and breeding of wildlife. In my opinion, we advocates should conduct research that engages in quantifiable and reproducible experiments to reveal the progress of the ecological effects of ALAN. We should also encourage the national park to research the impacts of light pollution on wildlife. Quantifying evidence of effects is more convincing, especially to those who are not stargazing enthusiasts. This is one direction we can pursue henceforth.

However, the main reason why I enjoy the dark sky is spiritual abundance. 
what does the "Dark sky" mean to me?

I and my telescope under the starry night of Anbu  

Every time i looked up at the starry sky, I felt the earth was getting smaller and smaller, finally only i and the square inches ground underfoot were left.
In that moment, l lost the sense of direction and
the mysterious universe was unfolding before my eyes.
I had a feeling that i was home then.
the time went back to the beginning when the nights were totally dark , the stars were whispering myths, and my imaginations were traveling from galaxy to galaxy.

guess, what is the object in this sketch Alan had drawn?


I retrieved the connection between me and the universe via darkness. I was stardust.
I could feel that i was moving in the space .
I was wandering through the deep and boundless spacetime.

My eyes ran over with tears.
I found peace of mind under the dark sky.

"Are the angels above smiling  at  you in your peaceful rest?" (Welsh lullaby )

My exhausted soul was healed by the starry night.

That's why i am passionate about stargazing.








鞍部是北部地區目前唯一有實際天文觀測紀錄(請參考個人的觀測日誌素描紀錄 ,有使用的口徑、倍率、濾鏡等參數可利用)以小型望遠鏡(口徑20公分含以下)在同一地點能夠眼視觀察欣賞到包括所有梅西爾天體等超過300個以上的深空天體(星系、星雲、星團等)的市郊觀測地。



雖然110年(2021) 陽明山國家公園管理處編列了暗空環境規劃及推廣案預算,此案由台灣暗空協會(TDA)得標,不過個人婉拒了協會的擔任此案顧問的邀請,即本人與本部落格並沒有参與台灣暗空協會與陽管處的標案,主要考量如下:一、個人的暗空保護理念(*1)與台灣暗空協會(林理事長)的見解有些差異。二、協會至今仍沒有開放非受邀者加入會員,個人認為缺乏大衆與專業意見參與。三、個人之前已數次建議陽管處改善暗空環境(見前文),尚未獲陽管處的任何改善的承諾,只是把從前說過的話再覆誦並無意義。個人認為,在陽明山暗空環境改善、保護區域內的照明使用規範與管理辦法以及權責管理部門的確立等重要議題未獲得管理單位必會執行的保證前不宜接受暗空保護的相關委託。
個人仍會依自己的信念來推廣郊山觀星與保護,歡迎任何對本部落格、天文、陽明山觀星、暗空保護等相關的問題或分享、指教,請在各篇文章留言或以電子郵件直接與本人聯絡 Gleeman@icloud.com



個人認為,暗空公園的核心、觀星平台應該嚴格規定不能製造光害,若要辦活動使用非觀測操作必要之合規格照明,應另覓不影響暗空公園的觀星環境的地點,觀星平台應該留給真正要進行最高程度暗空(它一開始獲得IDA核准設立國際暗空公園的標準依據)、觀星體驗的愛好者,因為任何的光線刺激眼睛都會破壞適暗性的建立(Dark adaptation ) ——

當人眼被注視光照後再望向暗空時一開始並無法看到亮度小於 0.03 cd/m² (約等於16.4 mag/arcsec² ,在此之門檻下視椎細胞失效,負責暗視覺的視桿細胞開始作用)的東西,因為完全適應黑暗時間需要約至少二、三十分鐘,(視桿細胞的敏感度能達到10^-5 cd/m²),而若持續有燈光影響則永遠無法達到完全適應黑暗,就此處而言,你將無法體驗到合歡山的銀級星空。 

同好攝於暗空公園鳶峰 2021'08'12



關於適暗性,在 Michael Kalloniatis 與 Charles Luu 的Dark Adaptation  此篇文章中有詳細的解釋。




每當我抬頭仰望星空,便開始覺得地球越來越小,最後只剩下我和腳下的方寸之地。 那一刻,我失去了方向感 ,神秘的宇宙在我眼前展開。 我有一種回家的感覺,時間回到了最初的時候,那時夜晚完全黑暗,星星在低語著神話,我的想像力從一個星系到另一個星系。


滿天星斗令人感動到熱淚盈眶。 我在黑暗的夜空下找到了內心的平靜,疲憊的靈魂被星夜療癒了。 





c.劃設暗空保護區存乎一心,並無需土木建設。若需設施改善或空間規劃,應由建築設計、美學設計及天文觀星、生態保育等各領域專家整合進行,並利用設計力引導使不同的使用族群至公共空間中各自適合的區域而不會互相干擾(例如遊客跑動的震動會影響攝影,此外,受光線干擾後眼睛重新建立完全的Dark adaptation 需要至少三十分鐘)。

d. TDA(TDA ≠ IDA Taiwan)應效法IDA 開放任何關心暗空保護之人自由加入一般會員,不應設限僅讓特定人選加入。此外,所謂「暗天不暗地」的主張並不適合於生態保護區與國際暗空公園等場域,高度暗空需求的區域(如天文觀星區、生態保護區)的用光規範應與一般民生照明做區隔。


Equality of the night sky for everyone

The personal observational sketch project at the Anbu region has successfully achieved its goals by this summer(2022). In addition, with continuous documentation and enrichment on the blog, a comprehensive knowledge base and database on suburban stargazing have gradually been developed. This can serve as a reference for friends interested in suburban stargazing. The above is a brief summary of the achievements at the Anbu region over the past decade, serving as a record and commemoration. Stargazing at the Anbu region has been an important part of my life for the past ten years. I'm glad that these ten years have been fulfilling, with no wasted time, and I have also been able to accompany and participate in the growth of my children (we often stargaze together. Of course, in addition to stargazing, we also go on trips and read books together...), which is a kind of happiness. On the other hand, through the experiences and practices during this period, I have developed the idea that the night sky in this area is worth protecting. However, I encountered some difficulties in proposing this to the Yangmingshan National Park Management Office in recent years, as detailed in the article.

Why is the Anbu region of Datun Mountain so important?

When proposing to the Yangmingshan National Park Management Office, I am always asked about the difference between it and other parking lots. Even friends who frequently participate in activities in Yangmingshan rarely notice the rich suburban night sky assets that the Anbu region possesses. Due to the combined advantages of the dark sky, geographical location, and terrain of the Anbu region, it has the following features:

The Anbu region is currently the only suburban observation site in the northern region that has actual astronomical observation records (please refer to my observation log and sketch records). With small telescopes (up to 20 centimeters in aperture), it is possible to visually observe and appreciate over 300 deep sky objects (galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, etc.), including all Messier objects, in the suburban observation site.

Not to mention its convenience of being only a one-hour drive from the city center, and its safety as it is located next to the highway and not in a remote wilderness area. These factors make it a suitable suburban observation base for citizens and astronomy enthusiasts to engage in long-term and stable stargazing projects (observing from the parking lot does not affect the ecological environment, so you can rest assured). In addition, the Anbu section of Balaka road is the only area in the Yangmingshan National Park with no artificial light sources, well-developed ground reflective guidance for safe driving, and wildlife crossing culverts. With a slight improvement in the lighting within the area, it can become a model of a suburban road that combines dark sky and ecological protection.

Therefore, in addition to improving light pollution, I suggest establishing a 24-hour fish-eye and dark-sky quality monitoring station in An-Bu. The data from the station can provide long-term monitoring of light pollution, dark-sky quality, and serve as a resource for education and research through images and data. The real-time or recorded fish-eye images can also be used for special celestial events broadcasting and teaching purposes. Furthermore, stargazing enthusiasts can check the sky conditions on the mountain anytime through the fish-eye images, allowing them to plan their trips accordingly, maximizing the convenience and efficiency of suburban stargazing while reducing unnecessary visits to the national park by star enthusiasts and general tourists during unfavorable weather conditions, which benefits ecological preservation.

Furthermore, the establishment of a 24-hour fisheye monitoring station makes the suburban stargazing environment more friendly, benefiting the development of domestic astronomy and attracting long-term and stable stargazers, which can increase the revenue of the national park and its parking lots.

Considering the above, setting up a 24-hour fisheye and dark sky quality monitoring station at the saddle point is indeed a wise move.

Although the Yangmingshan National Park Management Office allocated a budget for dark sky environment planning and promotion in 2021, which was won by the Taiwan Dark-Sky Association (TDA), I personally declined the association's invitation to serve as a consultant for this project. I did not participate in the bidding process between the TDA and the Yangmingshan management office. My main considerations are as follows: First, my personal concept of dark sky protection (*1) differs from that of the Taiwan Dark-Sky Association (Director Lin). Second, the association has not yet opened membership to non-invitees, and I believe it lacks the participation of the general public and professionals. Third, I have previously suggested improvements to the dark sky environment to the management office of Yangmingshan (as mentioned earlier), but I have not received any commitment from the management office to make improvements. Merely reiterating previous statements without meaningful actions is not satisfactory. I believe that before guaranteeing the implementation of important issues such as improving the dark sky environment in Yangmingshan, establishing lighting usage regulations and management responsibilities within the protected areas, and ensuring the establishment of an authoritative management department, it is not appropriate to accept commissions related to dark sky protection.

I will continue to promote suburban stargazing and protection based on my beliefs. I welcome any questions, sharing, or guidance on topics related to this blog, astronomy, stargazing in Yangmingshan, dark sky protection, etc. Please leave comments on the respective articles or contact me directly via email at Gleeman@icloud.com.

Based on my observations, to date, there has been no promotion, education, or research reports on light pollution's ecological impact or dark sky protection on the official website of Yangmingshan National Park. In my opinion, this seems to highlight the lack of awareness and attention to the ecological impact of light pollution by national parks (not only Yangmingshan) and the long-standing neglect of the valuable suburban starry sky resources and long-term neglect of starry sky protection within the park. I hope that future dark sky protection will not be a mere formality or perfunctory measure but will bring about substantial improvements. Environmental facilities and lighting management should be more friendly to amateur astronomers and stargazers without neglecting or excluding them.

Regarding some thoughts and suggestions about Hehuan Dark Sky Park,

When it comes to neglect or exclusion, I have some thoughts on the current Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park as well. I believe that the core of a dark sky park and stargazing platforms should strictly prohibit light pollution. If activities require non-observational lighting, which is necessary for operations, they should be conducted in a location separate from the stargazing environment that does not affect the dark sky park. The stargazing platforms should be reserved for enthusiasts who genuinely want to experience the highest level of dark sky (based on the International Dark-Sky Association's approval criteria) and stargazing. Any light stimulation to the eyes can disrupt dark adaptation—the ability of the eyes to adjust to darkness. 

However, the Dark Sky Park has not established lighting regulations within the park (such as guidelines for stargazing and environmental protection) nor a responsible management unit. This has resulted in the inability to restrict visitors from playing with light and shadows on the platform or government agencies from setting up lights and staging concerts that may affect stargazing or amateur astronomy observations. In my opinion, the management unit has the obligation to inform visitors that these activities actually impact their own and others' ability to have a genuine dark sky experience and establish regulations to prohibit them.

Furthermore, there are some issues with the planning and design of the Yenfeng(鳶峰) area in the Hehuan Dark Sky Park. Apart from the unnecessary parking lot that disrupts the dark sky with its lights (already removed), another significant flaw is the failure to separate the areas for amateur astronomy observations, serious stargazers, general tourists, and stargazing tour groups in the facility and pathway design. Instead, different user groups with different needs are gathered on the same stargazing platform, causing interference. In addition to the light-related issues mentioned earlier, the platform's structural design does not consider the stability requirements for astronomical observations and photography. Any running, jumping, or even walking by visitors on the platform can cause vibrations that affect the quality of ongoing observations and photography, disregarding the fair consideration of the interests of different groups in approaching the night sky. Stargazing tourism is meant to allow the general public to get closer to the stars and convey the importance of dark sky protection to humanity and other ecosystems. However, once tourism interests become the sole consideration, the park loses its function in protecting and educating about the dark sky, as well as the principle of fairness that everyone has the right to approach the dark sky. Let us not forget the original intention of dark sky protection and the establishment of international dark sky parks.

We come from stardust, and in the end, we will return to stardust.

In this marvelous and fleeting journey, what do you want to experience and practice? What do you want to leave for future generations? Everything depends on one's heart. The starry sky is an invaluable treasure that requires everyone to protect it.

Every time I look up at the starry sky, I feel that the Earth is getting smaller and only my tiny place remains beneath my feet. In that moment, I lose my sense of direction, and the mysterious universe unfolds before my eyes. I have a feeling of coming home, back to the beginning when the night was completely dark, and the stars whispered myths. My imagination travels from one galaxy to another.

Through the darkness, I rediscover the connection between myself and the universe. I am stardust. I can feel myself moving through space, wandering in the vastness of time and space.

The countless stars move me to tears. Under the dark night sky, I find inner peace, and the tired soul is healed by the starry night.

That is why I love stargazing so much.

(Note 1)

a. The improvement of light pollution and the protection of dark sky ecosystems (including the establishment of lighting regulations within the ecological protection area and the division of responsibilities) should take precedence over the development of stargazing tourism.

b. Everyone has the right to enjoy the stars, and the rights of professional and amateur astronomers should be equally valued and protected alongside general visitors and tourist groups.

c. The establishment of a dark sky protection area does not require civil engineering. If there is a need for facility improvement or spatial planning, it should be done by integrating experts from various fields such as architectural design, aesthetic design, astronomy, and ecological conservation. Design should guide different user groups to suitable areas within public spaces without mutual interference (e.g., vibrations caused by visitors' movements affecting photography). Additionally, the complete reestablishment of dark adaptation, which requires at least thirty minutes, is disrupted by light interference.

d. The TDA (TDA ≠ IDA Taiwan) should follow the example of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) by allowing anyone concerned about dark sky protection to freely join as a general member, without restricting membership to specific individuals. Furthermore, the assertion of "dark skies without dark ground"(暗天不暗地) is not suitable for areas such as ecological protection zones and international dark sky parks. The lighting regulations for areas with a high demand for dark skies, such as astronomical observation areas and ecological protection zones, should be distinct from general residential lighting.

e. I personally withdrew from the TDA in December 2022.


Goodbye, darkness: Light pollution has increased 49% over past 25 years, study finds ,過去25年的光污染至少增加了49% 以上。(2021/09/15)

ALAN_DB 夜間人造光源對生態影響的相關研究論文資料庫 (ALAN=Artificial Light at Night ) ,相當多的研究報告。

IDA (國際暗空協會) Vision and Values:Toward a More Equitable Dark Sky Movement ,願景與價值:朝向一個更公平的暗空運動


IDA 國際暗空協會 (有相當豐富的關於光害與暗空保護的相關資訊)



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