The light pollution spectrum was recorded again after a six-year gap. From the spectrum, it is evident that there have been significant (astonishing but not unexpected) changes in light pollution between 2016 and 2023.
The intensity of LED lighting has notably increased, mainly due to the replacement of high-pressure sodium streetlights and energy-saving light bulbs with LED lights. On the other hand, mercury (Hg) emissions have decreased (as mercury vapor lamps have become nearly extinct, although Hg still exists in some halide lamps).
This development has rendered the effectiveness of light pollution filters extremely limited.
Jump to filter introduction (light pollution filter, star filter, narrowband filter, infrared cutoff L filter, eyepiece filter...)
1. 光害光譜分析
一個典型的都會型夜空光譜 (大直, 實際拍攝到的光害光譜)Light Pollution Spectrum in a modern city (Taipei 2016)
Light sources - Field research(光源的光譜拍攝、田野調查,O-GPS1的功能剛好派上用場。)
螢光燈 Fluorescent
Traditional fluorescent lamps (Halophosphate) were mostly used in lightings of arcade and signboards, but they have been gradually replaced by Triphosphor fluorescent lamps (three-wavelength fluorescent lamps , energy-saving bulbs) and LEDs. Nowadays Triphosphor fluorescent lamps and LED lamps are commonly used in advertising signs, outdoor small-area lighting and decorative lights .
高壓鈉燈 High Pressure Sodium Lamp
High-pressure sodium lamps had been widely used in outdoor lighting such as street lamps, squares, stadiums, etc., but some of them have been replaced by LEDs.
Metal halide lamp is widely used in building out-wall (supermarket, hotel…..) , airport runway, wharf , plaza , parking lot, construction site, HID headlight, fishing boat, etc.
Metal halide lamps are mainly divided into two categories according to the different formulations, both of which have a strong 535nm Tl (Thallium) emission line.Because Na-Tl-In (Sodium-thallium-indium) MH has obvious peaks in yellow, green, and blue light, it is also called a three-wavelength metal halide lamp.
Na-Sc (Sodium-Scandium) MH has nearly equally spaced emission lines. The strong emission lines of 508nm and 474nm from Sc (especially the 508 nm) are its characteristics, which can be distinguished from the former.
Because of the formula of the metal halide lamp, some lamps may also show the characteristics of both types at the same time.
Mercury vapor lamps can be divided into two main categories, one is added with Yttrium vanadate fluorescer to supplement the red color in the spectrum, and most of the common high-pressure mercury lamps fall into this category. In the past, mercury lamps were mostly used for street lights, squares, outdoor parking lots, and park lighting. However, because the Minamata Convention ( stipulated that since 2020, contracting parties should prohibit the manufacture, import and export of fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes with mercury content exceeding 5 mg, mercury lamps are gradually being phased out and replaced by metal halide lamps and LEDs in some countries.
It can be asserted that any inappropriate lighting becomes a part of light pollution, and its impact extends far beyond what most people imagine, as evidenced by the composition of nocturnal radiance, which includes almost all commonly used types of lights on the market. Furthermore, from the distribution of the spectrum, it is evident that blue light pollution is particularly severe in urban and suburban areas.
Comparing the light pollution spectra captured in the saddle area, there are significant differences in the spectral patterns between the south (facing Taipei) and the north. The spectral pattern in the south only differs in intensity from the pattern observed in lower-altitude areas. In the spectra from the north and northwest directions (facing Sanzhi and Jinshan), the intensity of all Na lines is much lower compared to the south, especially with only emission lines remaining in the D-lines. It can be inferred that the primary light sources in this area are mainly metal halide lamps. In the range of approximately 420 to 480 nm, where the intensity curve of light pollution forms a small peak, a portion of it originates from Na-Tl-In metal halide lamps, while another portion comes from LED lights.
A significant portion of the spectral sources for metal halide lamps in the north and northwest, particularly from fishing lamps, can be observed. This difference also indicates that in urban areas and in directions close to or facing frequent fishing activities, light pollution from metal halide lamps becomes particularly noticeable.
(Pic.)MH fishing lights
a light bulb is usually more than two kilowatts, and it is normal for a ship to use dozens or hundreds of them.
Characteristics of the variation of sky surface brightness at Anbu.
An analysis of the Anbu SQM-L record shows that the SQM database is measured against the background sky value during the observation of 300 deep sky objects. Due to the sufficient data, it is evenly distributed in various directions and elevations, with only a few data points deviating from the normal value due to weather conditions. This does not affect the interpretation of the statistical results. The results are consistent with direct directional measurements and long-term observational experience. It is evident that the sky brightness at Anbu or suburban areas varies with direction, elevation, and time. If we take the average of data measured during good weather and no moon in the past decade, the average at a 45-degree elevation is approximately stable at above 19.3 in the south and 19.8 in the north.
原廠說明兩者的差別在 "The LPS-D1 will reduce the interference from the red end spectrum associated with the LPS-P2 or its competitions, and enhances the wave length of H alpha nebulae."
STC AM(Astro MS 多波段光害濾鏡),比D1或P2多濾掉610附近的波長,可應用在光害不是特別嚴重的地區(輕~中度光害濾鏡)。
請問在台北相機街能購得 Hoya Red Enhancer 嗎?
回覆刪除您好,我不確定相機街找不找得到,國內不太容易找,我知道亞馬遜及美國的B&H網站可以買到Hoya 的新品。我是透過代購從日雅拍買二手的marumi 或Kenko 的,不過是ㄧ次買好幾片(三至五片)分攤運費及代購費,這樣分攤,ㄧ片77mm的二手都在千元以下(以目前二手的價格來說)。
刪除鏡前光害濾鏡台灣比較容易買到的類似產品是nisi的光害濾鏡,個人的認知應該是跟red enhancer差不多的東西,如不介意價格較高也可列入參考。
刪除另外,國外還有一家產品叫 PureNight ,跟nisi一樣有把red enhancer 做成方形濾鏡,可以google得到。
刪除謝謝回覆,我有找到一款 Haida NanoPro MC Clear-Night Filter,對岸的產品,看來也是類似的產品。
刪除是的,而且Clear-Night 的特性曲線圖看起來跟PureNight 一模一樣。
刪除請問nisi有一種natural night filter, 可知道它是濾掉哪些波段?
回覆刪除您好,目前這些可以用於廣角鏡前而周圍沒有色偏的濾鏡,我相信都是跟red enhacer類似的鏡片做成的,也就是它們的穿過曲線會很相似,只有濾掉多寡的差異,跟Clear-Night一樣只是貼上不同的品牌,另外,這些新的輕光害濾鏡可能大部分都有多鍍上抗反射鍍膜。
回覆刪除這些 "Didymium" 玻璃查wiki可知,它一開始是被用作為安全鏡片,用來保護打鐵匠以及吹玻璃的工匠,用來濾掉鈉在589,590nm附近的強光而又不會像焊接用的安全玻璃影響一般的視覺。所以它們主要濾掉的就是589,590附近的光線而已,其他波長濾掉的部分並沒有特別針對光害設計只是材料就是那樣,所以當這些玻璃被拿來當作光害濾鏡,我們主要的目的也只是用來濾掉鈉燈575-600nm附近(如前面所示的red enhancer的透過曲線),其他濾掉的並沒有什麼效用因為並不是剛好只對著光害的波長。
回覆刪除超棒的分析 謝謝老師
回覆刪除您好,我拍攝光害光譜使用的是經過改機的Pentax K5,搭配夢幻光譜儀以及FA43鏡頭
請問一下,哪裡可以買到TRIAD NARROWBAND FILTER,台灣買的到嗎?