2023年11月19日 星期日

黃昏月、秋冬銀河、C/2023 H2彗星、女巫頭星雲 (IC2118)




秋季銀河與夏季大三角(Samyang 8mm, Pentax K3II ASTROTRACER 120sec)


I went up the mountain around 5:00 pm to shoot the H2 comet. As I passed the viewing platform of Balaka, I saw the beautiful view of Taipei Basin in the fog of the dusk, so I stopped to take a few photos.

When shooting the comet, my friends I met also came up one after another. The shooting lasted until about 8:30 pm when the comet sank into the woods in the southwest. Then I continued to accumulate exposure of Sh2-129 for two hours.

In the first half of the night, the autumn Milky Way stretched across the northern night sky, and the summer triangle gradually disappeared behind Mount Datun.

Tonight, I brought instant noodles for dinner for the first time. This beef vermicelli is pretty good.

The transparency tonight is quite good. The orange-yellow starlight of several supergiants is clear and dazzling. The winter Milky Way is faintly visible to the naked eye. At around 2:30 am  in the morning, the winter triangle hangs high in the south, and the Milky Way cuts through it. It extends from the southeast horizon to the zenith, passing through the other peak of the large ellipse, the Capella in the constellation Auriga , to the northwest horizon.

In the cold, I exposed the Witch Head, which is next to Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion, for two hours. It is equipped with an L3 IR cut filter (even if you shoot continuous light objects in the Anbu, you don't need to add a light pollution filter). This target is expected to accumulate ten hours to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Although there were occasional gusts of wind, the guiding for two hours was still stable.

While shooting deep sky object with a telescope, I also used a Samyang 8mm fisheye lens with ASTROTRACER to expose the winter Milky Way and the winter triangle for two minutes (at aperture F6.5. to me This lens can only be used at an aperture smaller than F6.5 . The large aperture has serious optical aberration.  next time I will try Pentax's 10-17 ).

The lowest temperature tonight was around 7 degrees Celsius, which was super cold. I went home to hide in the quilt at 3:00 am.

冬季大三角與冬季大橢圓 (120sec 2frames , Registar)。下回計畫使用10-17mm 拍攝三張結合,各曝個10~12分鐘左右。

約六點半至八點間的C/2023 H2彗星,亮度已降至約八等。 (Pentax 75sdhf, smc 0.72x, L3 filter, K5 full spectra mod., Takahashi EM-2z guiding mod. MEGENII autoguiding 30secx150, stacked and cropped )


在望遠鏡拍攝深空的期間我另外用Samyang 8mm 魚眼搭配ASTROTRACER曝兩分鐘的冬季銀河與冬季大三角(光圈F6.5,這顆鏡頭的光圈我大概只能接受縮到比這個光圈小,大光圈像差嚴重,便宜的鏡頭將就這樣玩。下次玩玩Pentax 本家的10-17)。


在寒冷中曝了獵戶座參宿七旁邊的女巫頭兩小時,搭配L3 IR cut濾鏡(即使拍連續光的天體在鞍部也不用加光害濾鏡)。這個目標預計要累積十小時讓訊噪比更好。雖然偶有陣風,但兩小時間的導星還算穩定。



疊圖後 (NB1 filter 5min x24)





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