2022年7月31日 星期日


西垂的夏季大三角與夏季銀河天鵝段 (7/29 AM 2:35)
Pentax K3II, Samyanf 16/F2 @F2, Kenko red enhancer filter, ISO2500 ASTROTRACER 50sec, SiriL背景校正

28日晚計劃要觀測素描一些之前來不及觀賞的天蠍座後腹部附近的Sco OB1 星協包含的幾個星團,以及也是在銀河盤面(船底-人馬座旋臂)上的年輕疏散星團NGC 6124,還有它附近的一個金屬豐度相當高的行星狀星雲NGC6153等,因為仰角不高,所以晚上特地早早整裝吃完晚餐便上山。

仰角二十度左右剛好是台北市區光暈較明顯的上緣,大氣消光加上觀測的方向有較大的星際消光(瀏覽過一篇觀測報告提到NGC6153方向至少有三層包括Lupus Cloud 等ISM),此刻望遠鏡的極限星等不到11.5等,如同在一層薄霧中觀測,但因為NGC 6153相當亮(在哈伯的影像中它相當美麗*),70倍加上LP2濾鏡即很明顯,拉高到140倍不使用濾鏡也能看到,不過十公分也僅是看到它存在而已,希望將來再用八吋高倍觀察。據報告中光譜資料它的OIII強度差不多是Ha的三倍,而實際上它的核心是貧氫的,使用OIII濾鏡跟使用LP2的效果應該差不多。

今晚的氣溫宜人,濕度也不高,過午夜後寧視度 (視相,seeing)相當好,和第一次過來鞍部看流星雨的朋友分享了土星、木星(比可憐的流星雨精彩多了),P105 在233x(搭televue 3-6 的3mm端) 倍下仍相當清晰穩定,尤其已升到高仰角的土星,在目鏡的視野中彷彿幻燈片一樣定住不動,但更為立體,忽覺得土星離我們好近,卡西尼縫對比明顯,相當漂亮。

約凌晨一點時以AiryEye II代測量到天頂達19.85(約是SQM-L的 20,兩者的頻寬有些微差異),天空的黑暗明顯更深邃了,穿越夏季大三角的銀河越見明顯,逐漸往淡水方向西垂,小觀音山的仙女座星系伴隨秋季銀河升起,我使用ASTROTRACER 拍了些照片。



若不算尚待再次觀測確認的 CB107,此夜又素描了九個天體,轉眼間在鞍部的眼視素描深空天體已經來到294個了,感覺輕舟過了萬重山。


*'Measurements show that NGC 6153 contains large amounts of neon, argon, oxygen, carbon and chlorine — up to three times more than can be found in the Solar System. The nebula contains a whopping five times more nitrogen than the Sun!'------ESA/Hubble & NASA Acknowledgement: Matej Novak

看銀河升起 Watching the Milky way rising (7/28 PM 10:40)

仙女座星系領著小觀音山的秋季銀河昇起了  (7/29 AM 12:59)

靜謐深邃的夜   7:29 AM 1:01

summer triangle is setting (7/29 AM2:38)

七姐妹(M45) 在澄澈的夜空裡格外耀眼

7/29 AM 4:27 感謝一夜晴朗。


AM 4:55 剛進入城市曙光時的霞光










7/29 AM 1:43

7/29 AM 1:49

7/29 AM 4:02

On the evening of the 28th, it was planned to observe and sketch some star clusters contained in the Sco OB1 association near the back abdomen of Scorpio, and the young open star cluster NGC 6124 which is also on the Galactic disk (Carina-Sagittarius arm), and  a nearby planetary nebula NGC 6153 (high metal abundance ). because their elevation angles in the night sky of Anbu are not high, So i packed up my equipments early in the evening and went up the mountain soon after dinner.

The temperature was pleasant and the humidity was low.

NGC 6153 is very bright (it is quite beautiful in Hubble's image*),through my Pentax 105mm telescope it was so obvious at 70x magnification with LP2 filter , and  It could be seen at 140x without filter,  even there are atmospheric extinction plus the interstellar extinction (I browsed an paper which mentioned that there are at least three layers in the direction of NGC6153, including ISM such as Lupus Cloud.  ) and light pollution.

After midnight, the seeing was excellent , I shared the eyepiece view of Saturn and Jupiter with unknown friend who came to the Anbu to watch the meteor shower for the first time ,  the image in the eyepiece at 233x (with Televue 3@3-6 ) was still quite clear and stable, especially Saturn, which had risen to a high elevation angle, froze like a slideshow in the view of the eyepiece, but it was more three-dimensional, suddenly I felt that Saturn is very close to me, The Cassini Division was obvious and beautiful.

After the stargazing friend left , I enjoyed the starry sky to myself again . Later, a car came to the parking lot (they should be very familiar here), there were a men and a women who admired the starry sky with naked eyes. I guess we may have met in the past ten years  here because I heard a familiar chat voice (because we can't see each other's faces clearly in the dark, no way we can recognize  each other even if we meet several times,. Anyway, it seems that there is no need to know who's who. Once we know that we are people who love the stars, we will feel friendly and comfortable.

As the M45 rises, the clear night sky is about rolling into the astronomical dawn, I sketched an open star cluster in the constellation Auriga that had just risen. At the dawn, the glows warmed the earth and shot out several beautiful beams across the entire sky. Orion has fully risen before the sunrise.

i had sketched another eight DSOs this night.
The sunglow in the early morning was really beautiful. After went down from Anbu and passed the Barakah Observation Deck, I stopped for a while and looked over the city. The Taipei basin was in the sea of ​​clouds again.




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