2023年9月18日 星期一



Pentax 75SDHF+0.72x, IDAS NB1 (three-band) filter, Pentax K5 (modified full spectrum), Takahashi EM-2* +MGENII autoguider, 5min exposure time. SiriL background extraction.


最近的鞍部大約都是晚上九點至十點間雲會散去,所以今晚約八點多便到山上組好器材、對好極軸,約九點時夜空已全開,九點半即開始繼續曝光 Sh2-129。

The clouds at Anbu usually clear up between 9pm and 10pm, so I went to the mountain at around 8pm tonight to set up my equipment and align the polar axis. The night sky was clear by 9pm as expected,  I started exposing Sh2-129 at 9:30pm.



At midnight, flights departing from Taoyuan Airport to the north (red-eye flights?) become true Milky Way flights. Their flight paths perfectly align with the autumn Milky Way, creating a beautiful arc in the night sky. The flights continue to fly northeast from the radio station on Xiaoguanyin Mountain. This is very interesting because the Milky Way is aligned with the flight path at this time of year.

午夜秋天四邊形(飛馬座)、仙女座、仙后座等正升至在天頂,躺在地上仰望就可以看到這些星座,當透明度良好的夜晚如今晚,天空暗度達AiryEye2  的 19.9以上 ( SQM約 20以上),裸眼可見仙女座星系與英仙座雙星團以及淡淡的秋季銀河。我有帶地墊,但有時也會直接躺在停車場的柏油車道上觀賞。

At midnight, the autumnal square (Pegasus), Andromeda, and Cassiopeia are rising to the zenith. You can see these constellations by lying on the ground and looking up. On a night with good transparency like tonight, the sky brightness reaches AiryEye2 of 19.9 or more (SQM of 20 or more). You can see the Andromeda Galaxy, the Perseus Double Cluster, and the faint autumnal Milky Way with the naked eye. I bring a mat, but sometimes I just lie on the asphalt driveway in the parking lot to watch.

這晚總共曝了約三個半小時(曝到凌晨1:40,Sh2-129仰角約剩33度)的Sh2-126,然後轉向東側,沿著秋冬銀河段拍攝幾個知名的星雲,因為白天要拍平場,所以PA就不改變了 (相機旋轉角,沿用拍攝Sh2-129時的設定),導致海鷗的取景有點尷尬(改天可用馬賽克分兩張拍攝)。

This night, I exposed Sh2-126 for about three and a half hours (until 1:40 AM, the altitude of Sh2-129 was about 33 degrees). Then I turned to the east and photographed several well-known nebulae along the autumn and winter Milky Way segment. Because I had to take flat frames during the day, I did not change the PA (camera rotation angle, using the setting when shooting Sh2-129). This led to a bit of an awkward framing of the Seagull (I can use mosaic to split it into two images next time).


In the period around Mid-Autumn Festival, it is possible to see the Summer Triangle, the Autumn Square, and the Winter Triangle, which represent the three seasons, in one night.



除了累積Sh2-129,今晚拍攝了 火焰之星星雲(IC405 & 1C410) 10分鐘、加州星雲  (NGC1499) 10 分鐘、玫瑰星雲 (NGC2238) 5 分鐘 、獵戶座星雲 (M42) 10分鐘、海鷗星雲 (IC2177) 5分鐘,皆使用 Pentax 75SDHF+0.72x, IDAS NB1 (三波長)filter,Pentax K5(改全光譜),Takahashi EM-2* +MGENII自動導星。簡單處理一下(目前僅做預處理,有空再加做 background  extraction ):

In addition to accumulating Sh2-129, I have taken a total of 10 minutes of photos of the Flame Nebula (IC405 & IC410), 10 minutes of the California Nebula (NGC1499), 5 minutes of the Rose Nebula (NGC2238), 10 minutes of the Orion Nebula (M42), 5 minutes of the Sea Eagle Nebula (IC2177) tonights.

All of these were taken with Pentax 75SDHF+0.72x, IDAS NB1 (three-band) filter, Pentax K5 (modified full spectrum), Takahashi EM-2* +MGENII autoguider. They have been simply processed.

因為一開始就開啟加熱線(80%以上就開,預先開啟效果會比等到結露才開好很多且若結露後再開要等很久露水才會乾),第一次把兩條加熱線(一條12V 條5V)開整晚大約快天亮時電池也被榨乾了。
昨晚總共帶約20AH 的鋰聚合物電源,提供赤道儀(雙軸導星),MGEN II,兩條加熱線,一台單眼電源。從晚上9:00開到凌晨約4:30。自認 20AH太勉強,還要再補個10AH,30AH撑一整晚才妥當。





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