2022年10月5日 星期三

透明度極佳的秋夜(2)深空攝影:面紗星雲。鞍部的秋季銀河全景、冬銀河與獵戶東昇,ASTROTRACER TYPE3搭赤道儀測試(no-go)

 9/30, 10/01~10/02

鞍部的秋季銀河全景 (約240度。10/1 PM11:25~11:50)
PENTAX K3II ISO1600, Samyang 16/F2
Kenko Red enhancer filter
ASTROTRACER 90sec x8 frames
SiriL 背景校正, Photoshop photomerge 8幀自動接圖

10 frames,包含仙女座M31星系


Pentax K5 full spectrum mod. 
CLS+L3(680 ir-cut) Filter
Pentax 75SDHF +SMC 0.72x
Takahashi  EM-2z guiding mod.
M-genII 5min x30

DeepSkyStacker(預處理、疊合), Photoshop(恆星減暗), SiriL(低仰角光暈背景校正)

Last week was a good harvest week.
The weather was quite good, the night sky was dark and the transparency was excellent .
After I had completed the visual observation and sketches of Anbu 300 DSO recently ,I decided to do some astrophotography before the winter comes .
So, I used the Pentax 75SDHF(75mm/F6.7) and smc 0.72x reducer, and Takahashi EM-2 equatorial mount (dual-axis guiding mod.) to image the M31 Andromeda galaxy, Veil Nebula and M42 Orion nebula in last week. I had no problem to find them without goto, after my compositions were completed, it was completely handed over to M-gen II autoguider  to control the guiding, dithering and exposure in one go. It was very convenient and no need a computer.

In these days ,sometimes there was about 20kph or so of Beaufort's "Moderate breeze" wind (It was blowing not that gentle as the word“Moderate breeze” literally means) , I lay beside the carrying case to avoid the wind and look up at the starry sky, although it is only about 20 SQM at Anbu , the bortle 5 dark sky of the suburbs, but because it was clear enough, at a moment in time I felt like I was lying in a vast wilderness inaccessible to people. It was wonderful.

It was also inevitable to take a picture of Jupiter's approaching like other people. This year, Jupiter’s opposition is in Pisces. When we see Jupiter opposition in the vicinity of Pisces next time, it means that the time will have passed by nearly another 12 years .

Because the transparency was excellent at the last night , I also took a few star-scapes with 90~120sec exposure time by Pentax ASTROTRACER,  long enough to show some details of the night sky, and I was very satisfied with the autumn milky way I combined.

A closer look reveals many beautiful features. For example, at the top right of the radio station there is Mars which is approaching and brightening , but even brighter, the Seven Sisters (Pleiades, M45 open cluster ) of Taurus, seems to be illuminating a corner of the transparent night sky like a lamp (It shouldn’t  be artifact because i had done background extraction both before and after the photo merging ), maybe they are bright enough to cast the shadow of people. 

In the clearly visible northwest of the California Nebula next to M45  , OB star association such as the Mel. 20 open cluster in Perseus stretch like a chain of crystal beads or splashes to the double cluster and then to Cassiopeia near the mid-heaven, as well as M31 Andromeda. On the west side, the Cygnus constellation and the North America nebula are still hanging on the top of Datun Mountain, and the two stars, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in the summer triangle, are about to disappear into the back of the mountain.

Well, in fact the California can not be seen by naked eyes, but You can see it with a Hb filter through a 7mm exit pupil FOV.  I had just seen it with my P105 in a few days ago.

At the beginning of the astronomical dawn in one early morning , the faint light of the eastern hills was faintly visible to the naked eye, indicating that the zodiacal light did appear there, but it was difficult to identify the light band with the naked eye.  but I did got the zodiacal light via photography , Happy!





另一方面也用ASTROTRACER 來曝一下銀河星景,難得透明度與天空暗度都很良好,加Red enhancer 可曝上九十秒甚至120秒。拍到了自鞍部觀星以來狀況最佳的秋銀河(且事後的全景接合與處理也很順利,非常滿足)。

午夜後PZman上來後我向他借了Pentax K33來測試,看看ASTROTRACER TYPE3 是否可搭配赤道儀使用,結果並不行(若本有此打算的星友可以暫時省下荷包,現階段還是要乖乖用接一堆線的導星)。









獵戶座星雲與Running man 落跑人

Pentax K5 full spectrum mod. 
CLS+L3 Filter
Pentax 75SDHF +SMC 0.72x
Takahashi  EM-2z guiding mod.
恆星時自由追蹤 5min 

M-genII 導星十分鐘


Pentax K3III ASTROTRACRER TYPE3的自動跟隨追蹤搭配赤道儀自由追蹤的測試結果:失敗。
TYPE3的作動原理是不需要GPS而是依據一張試曝三十秒的影像來計算星軌移動的向量然後才正式進行ASTROTRACER 移動感光元件曝光的方式。原以為這種方式可以運用在赤道儀上,便不需要導星而靠ASTROTRACER來修正追蹤誤差,但實際使用卻會出現問題。
可能原因之一是因為赤道儀的自由追蹤頗準,K33的ASTROTRACER TYPE3一開始先曝光三十秒來計算移動向量可能不足夠偵測出赤道儀真正的追蹤誤差。另一種可能是,TYPE3仍然是以焦距來計算CMOS移動的軌跡,三十秒偵測只是計算初始方向而已。

如果要在下給建議,個人會建議 TYPE3 用來計算軌跡的測試曝光時間應該要拉長(在赤道儀自由追蹤精度佳的情況可能五分鐘的計算曝光也不算長),最好也能讓使用者自訂

DeepSkyStacker 是很方便的免費的天文影像校正疊圖軟體
不過使用時有些需注意的地方,依個人經驗,DSS疊完後自動載入並自動調整的影像有時的顏色會變很怪,幾乎沒有飽和度可言,建議自己重新載入它疊好後會自動儲存於目錄中的 autosave 檔,這個檔案的色彩才是正常的,自行載入後再儲存成其他軟體可以編輯的16bit tiff即可,建議除了飽和度之外不要在DSS中做其他的編輯。也就是說把它當成校正疊圖軟體就好(它設計的原始目旳本來就是僅作為一個專業的校正疊圖軟體)。進一步的修圖則用其他影像編輯軟體。



*CLS filter

紀念一下,十一年前 (2011) 的十月五日,從日本買回了O-GPS1配件(K3II已經內建)搭K5,從此開啟了個人與小朋友在鞍部的星空冒險。
pentax ASTROTRACER 方便的地方除了便攜外(背著爬七星山也沒問題),就是只需要迷你腳架甚至擺地上靠一下就可以曝光一兩分鐘的廣角星景。
這很厲害。當你一台赤道儀在觀測或攝影時,再帶一台Pentax就可以在旁邊曝光一兩分鐘的星景,不用再架一台攝星儀。 一般相機若不架在攝星儀上,使用固定攝影要曝光不拖線的星景,16mm鏡頭約只能曝三十秒。三十秒與一兩分鐘獲得的訊噪比是差很多的,搭配星景濾鏡與恰當的背景校正、影像處理,90秒曝光應不會遜於平均 21.2mpsas 的高山的20~30秒固定攝影 (20 mpsas 的光害約是21.2的三倍)。



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