2017年11月27日 星期一

[Flashback]星景疊合攝影方法兩種 / DSS疊RAW 的設定參考

Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio of StarLandscape Image via Stacking, two ways




這篇要聊的便是在單張星景的基礎上進一步利用疊圖來增加總曝光時間,以增進天體的訊號/噪訊比值 (SNR, Signal-to-noise ratio),讓影像中的銀河或深空天體看起來更清晰的星景攝影與影像處理法。更多例子請參考本網誌其他文章。



(圖左,left )單張星景, 60sec single shot starlandscape。(圖右,right)拍攝多張疊合後銀河變得清晰 ,60sec x 12 stacked 。

In this article,  I’m not talking about the one-shot image ,but rather to make a starlandscape via stacking to get better S/N ratio of a nebula or galaxy image . Especially at the suburbs like 陽明山, the minimum total exposure time to stack the milky way should be more than three minutes , this should give a colorful and clear-definition image as good as a 30 secs exposure time of milky way in a dark place like 合歡山.
the following is my personal experience about how to make a starlandscape vis stacking.
unless the milky way (or other Deep Sky Objects) which you try to shoot is on the zenith at that time, or the milky way is always a landscape like pic.1. under this situation you can only shot several starlandscape photos and stack them in the post processing. but because we will align the stars in the stacking process, the landscape will be blurred (the more total exposure time we stack , the more blurred part in the stacked photo). , so we need to overlap the burred landscape in the stacked image with a single shot further , we usually use the first or last shot in this series image (depending on the milky way/ DSO was rising or setting )to overlap the landscape part.
with regard to this method we will certainly lose part of the sky in the post process .





in my opinion, the total exposure time of Orion and its nebulas should be at least 30mins to 1hr at a suburban sky like 陽明山. obviously the first method mentioned above is not suitable for this case(we will lose most of the sky in the processing). the second method is as follows(pic.2):

pic2. 天鵝座 Cygnus


in this method, 
the nebula part and the landscape(also a starlandscape) will be imaged separately.
for example , pic.2, the cygnus region of milky way is a 1hr stacked image(top-right). we stacked this nebula image with a single-shot starlandscape image(top-left) further to finish the work(bottom-right).
there is no time limit and no deadline for imaging the nebula part , you can finish it in days ,months and even years as long as you like.
but no matter what method is used, the landscape one should be imaged at the right time to get the composition you want . the stars and the nebulas were really there at that moment , that position in sky. just like the single-shot starlanscape image in pic.2
we align the images by matching stars , in another word, the composition is not fiction.



可利用DeepSkyStacker 疊銀河,使用方式跟疊一般深空天體影像雷同。

DeepSkyStacker 疊RAW檔的設定

DSS疊圖的方法散見本網誌文章,這裡僅記錄我到目前為止使用RAW檔(Pentax PEF)直接疊圖時,顏色不會被洗掉的設定。跟之前疊tiff檔得到的顏色差不多。

I've just tried to stack raw (PEF) files via DSS
K5(mod.) ,FA43, 60s x60 frames
I think this setting is as good as stacking tiff files, so far

DSS settings:
RAW Files : use camera white balance (manual WB)  or AUTO WB
Bayer Matrix Trans.: Bilinear
Light: no background calibration
Result: no align RGB
Stacking Method: Average
Processing Tab: Saturation +15
save as 16bit Tif (apply settings to the saved picture)


首先要注意到DSS左下的 RAW/FITS 設定 白平衡方式會改變 RAW檔讀入/轉檔的結果,套用結果後預覽視窗就會立刻顯示差異。如果使用者在當初拍攝時使用手動白平衡,建議在這裡勾選使用相機白平衡

使用拍攝時的相機白平衡設定。(use camera white balance)


若使用者拍攝時沒有自設手動白平衡,建議可勾選使用DSS的自動白平衡。預覽區可看到讀入的檔案已經經過自動白平衡調整。(Auto white balance)

在疊完後可以在DSS中調整色彩或稍後再調整亦可,最後將飽和度設為 +15,存為16 bit tiff,存檔時請選擇套用設定。



No white balance 



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