2024/12/09 初稿
(1) 冬天星座之王一獵戶(la̍h-hōo) 奧里尪(Orion )
鞍部東爿山崙仔頂的冬季銀河、獵戶座 hām 金牛座。佇金牛的牛角跤兜仔彼粒足光的星是木星。
Pentax K5 (full spectrum mod.) , 685nm IR-cut, Samyang 16mm , 1min x 30 攏總曝光30分鐘
11月27 拜三
本底今仔星友 Freeman 嘛欲起來鞍部,毋閣伊臨時愛加班,所以明日才會來。所以今眠干焦我孤一人享受滿天的天星。
立冬過了後每暗差不多九點跤兜奥里尪著已經升起來鞍部東爿的山崙仔頂矣,伊的腰帶排一列的三粒星特別好認。獵戶有一片誠大片的分子雲,遐是星胚仔的大產房,佇腰帶下跤無偌 hn̄g 的所在,有一搭用目睭著看會著的光跡(jiah),彼著是獵戶座星雲(sing-hûn) M42,量其約離咱有一千五百光年,伊發出的光主要是分子雲予拄出世無偌久的少年星 (OB星) 所炤光,以及予 in 的高溫電離所致的螢光。若使用8"望眼鏡觀察,量其約50倍著有法度看著伊親像一隻展翅的火鳥的一部份外形,若用 300倍跤兜看就敢若親身坐份航行中的太空船向窗仔外透看,雲氣嶄然仔立體 [1]。
(2) Drift 方法校正赤道儀極軸。Andromeda。
Andromeda 星系(sing-hē),M31
Pentax 75SDHF +0.72x Reducer
Pentax K5 (full spectrum mod.) + Astronomik L3_UV/Ir-cut 曝光一點鐘加Pentax K3II 曝光二點鐘
11月28 拜四
中晝過看天頂非常清氣,是真飽滇鮮沢的紺色。我隨佇 line 建立活動招星友下暗鬥陣起去鞍部觀星。按算今暝欲用望眼鏡翕獵戶座大星雲(M42)佮仙女座星系(M31)。
我紮來的赤道儀是日本製的Pentax MS-3 [2],大約是佇1991年至2000年之間的古董,斯當時的Pentax 天文設備毋管是外形抑是品質攏是無地嫌的jió-toh,就算是現此時佮市面的產品比起來猶原是佇頭前班袂落氣--的,不而過因為這台赤道儀干焦赤經軸有馬達,無法度利用我後頭買的MGENII 電子導星器來指揮雙軸馬達修正追蹤的偏差,干焦會使進行單軸的赤經軸 guiding 。因為這个緣故,若是欲載望遠鏡來翕相,著愛先將赤道儀對天球的極軸對予一必一中。若無,長時間的曝光的影像頂面的天星就袂保持是圓點。
Drift 方法是校正極軸的傳統技術,不而過往過是干焦有目睭通好掠算偏移量,現此時MGENII有支援Drift 的測量,變作非常的方便,佮較早比起來是天差地的差別。
小小的 Star Party
這暗佇鞍部連我在內攏總有六位星友(三隻赤道儀,一台智慧望眼鏡,二組相機三跤馬),對這搭來講已經算是很熱鬧矣(除了看長尾星或者流星雨以外)。我差不多八點迵到鞍部,已經有星友佇停車場開始翕相矣。將設備組立起來,先用赤道儀的極軸望眼鏡粗對極軸了後,馬上進行Drift 校正,Drift技術袂硬篤,只不過需要耐心爾爾。
Jeremy 共赤道儀架佇我的邊仔,提 chocolate 鷄卵糕送我食(感謝!),講伊拄才溢刺酸(保重!)。
若照按呢講法,使用Drift 方法對極軸的人毋就 uan-na 會好性地閣長歲壽?!(笑)。
我會按呢講是因為,所謂的Drift 方法是先佇天頂子午線偏南爿的跤兜随在揀一粒天星,將伊引入望眼鏡的視野內(現此時是用phāinn 佇望眼鏡的尻脊骿頂的導星鏡),聽候一段時間(我是用1分鐘),然後估算這粒天星走離中央的量,根據這个量去修正赤道儀極軸的左右方向,反復這个過程,校正到限定的精差範圍內,才閣換對東爿(抑是西爿)低仰角的任意一粒星做仝款的修正,不而過這馬是調整極軸的仰角懸低。
今暗我調整到MGENII 顯示極軸誤差 2' 就準過,因為根據理論,按呢就會得過使用500 mm的望遠眼鏡做追蹤攝影。
2.0' 矣,聽好準過
調整好極軸時9點捅,聽好先來試翕獵戶座星雲三分鐘。將望遠鏡對千對獵戶座星星,導星開落,快門揤落,三分鐘過翕煞將相機螢幕的影像放大到一比一,逐粒天星圓圓圓,嶄然仔準。按呢著共自動翕相設定佇20張,共「START」 揤落做機器家己無閒,我就聽好去邊仔秋凊放冗,䖙落來看滿天嘻嘩的天星,去停車埸四界踅踅hām 人開講,提另外一台相機掠星景佮揤一寡仔記錄。
過一睏仔,行去摸 oo-tóo-bái的椅苴,果然予我臆到準準準,已經澹漉漉矣,抑毋閣這溼度無算懸,看我廣角的相機鏡頭並無起霧著知。翕星景的時我發覺北爿,亦就是三芝、石門的方向,下昏暗的光害比往過明顯加誠濟,遐一搭黃白仔黃白,應該是北海掠魚仔的船隊的電火,he 魚燈凊彩 一葩攏上千瓦,一隻船仔配幾十葩,海上船仔一隻綴一隻排幾偌逝,比一个鄉鎮閣光。位外衫橐仔捎AiryEye 出來量天光看覓,19.8 M/SAS,量其約比往過光欲 0.2 星等跤兜仔。[4]
Andromeda ,是希臘神話中衣索比亞的公主,因為in 母仔傷愛去四界風神查某囝的美貌,海神in 某聽著打破醋矸仔受氣,想袂到Andromeda 的父母烏魯木齊,煞聽信歹尪姨的話,將Andromeda 縛佇海石頂欲獻祭予海怪。紲落來著有英雄 Perseus救美人的故事。
Andromeda 星系佮咱所蹛的銀河系生了相像仔相像,袂輸雙生仔(只是伊較重1倍),看伊著好比teh 看一面鏡。現此時伊離咱有250萬光年跤兜,毋閣當 teh 以每秒鐘百外公里的速度向咱的銀河系傱倚來,大約閣四十億年就會共咱銀河系相拄。
一逝薄縭絲的冬季銀河位獵戶伐過天頂,經過誠好認的 “W” 形星座仙后,流落去西北爿的山崙仔後 [5],我報邊仔的朋友欣賞,毋閣伊看袂出來,可能我已經習慣烏夜矣(或者in 目睭拄予螢幕的光炤過無偌久,按呢著愛閣等一睏仔才會看有)。黑色才是宇宙這幅圖用上濟的色彩。無是宇宙的自然。
(3)飛地。火鳥 M42 。
正手爿是獵戶座星雲 (M42),左手爿是走標人 (Running man, NGC 1977)
Pentax 75SDHF +0.72x Reducer
Pentax K5 (full spectrum mod.) + Astronomik L3_UV/Ir-cut
12月初一 禮拜日
下昏暗的 Drift 校正極軸不止仔順序,雙軸攏免幾步著準到1.7' 矣,連鞭補掠一點鐘的M42 火鳥的光子,hām 拜四暗翕的鬥鬥二點鐘的影像聽好轉厝處理。
講一句笑詼的,亦毋著搶拄搶台北天氣、月相都合四序會當觀星的日子無濟,算算--ê平均一个月干焦1工至2工爾爾,無定定暗來著走山頂身體khah 會堪--的?(笑)
「飛地」的詞源是拉丁字 enclave,是「鎖起來的空間」的意思,現代人共伊用佇表示一个國家的國土範圍內有一塊無歸伊管的彼个土地。在我看來,無論叨一種意思,咱攏會當共看作是在現實社會的束縛之外,屬於家己一个人的私密的所在。鞍部是我濟濟的「飛地」之一(閣有册局、看册的時、彈吉他的時、peh山的時、春天的河津、我的望眼鏡所指的所在……等等有形佮無形的飛地。
講著飛地,昨昏我閣去北美館,共「飛地」的展品攏閣liô過,若是有短片的就自頭到尾斟酌共看完。這是我第二改來看「飛地」矣,這擺看煞才略仔有當掌握這个展覽的精神,in 是自女性的意識看這个世界的款勢,遮的飛地,有的是自主完成的,嘛有的是因為受逼迫,姑不將才建立的。
創作者之一,陳瀅如做的影片誠有意思,伊是位西洋的占星術佮神秘學的角度,將人的性格佮命運參宇宙天體的運轉做對照,欲表現兩爿中間的關聯。伊將兩部短片作夥放,一部是天文佮星象學的CGI,一部是有關蔣介石的記錄片。我個人對占星術無研究,但是共紫微斗數的理念應該是相像的。予我目睭金的是彼部搬演星體的出世佮死亡的 CGI做了不止仔頂真,真正有夠媠的媠。後來我閣去二樓看膠彩畫,這改我決定欲看予斟酌。是講敢有人共我仝款無聊,掠鄉原古統畫的總督府夜景金金相,想欲看出彼夜空的天星是叨一个星座咧?[6]
今仔我仝款有佇line 頂相招,連我有5位星友來鞍部做伙勼燒,正育兄連紲兩擺攏有起來,紮佮拜四暗仝的彼台 GEM-28 。另外有星友一睏紮兩台最近上tshìng 、誠搶市的智慧望眼鏡,一台是SeeStar 50,一台是 Celestron Origin 6" F2.2 RASA,彼台RASA的尻川斗的風扇佇紡的時有紅燈會一直踅圓箍仔,雖然無啥路用,毋過有夠鑠奅。焦比2.2的威力嶄然驚倒人,拄仔伊翕南爿的Helix 星雲(ngc 7293)才累積30分鐘就不止仔清楚鮮沢。
這幾工天公伯仔直直賜咱好天氣根本是無想欲咱翕星的休睏,毋過我才無遐拖命咧,這馬欲倚翻點就差不多 teh 收家私,準備落山轉去唔唔睏。曷是閣翕1點鐘的馬頭星雲?
1. 目睭透過望眼鏡看獵戶座星雲。50倍佮300倍。
奧里尪 M42 星雲 佇獵戶座的腰帶三粒星南爿4度跤兜的所在
2. 我這擺用來做天文攝影的配件。
3. DRIFT 校正極軸的原理,判斷極軸是偏叨一爿。
5. 鞍部的冬季銀河。
6. 北美館的展覽。市民門票才15箍(一般民眾30),我已經去幾偌改矣。
Pentax's built-in ASTROTRACER function offers a convenient solution for astrophotographers. While my equatorial mount is busy capturing deep-sky objects, i can utilize ASTROTRACER to simultaneously shoot star landscape or documentary photos with exposures ranging from tens of seconds to three minutes, all without requiring an additional equatorial mount.
In addition, since ASTROTRACER doesn't require polar alignment, i can easily reposition the camera to different locations, adjust the composition, and change the shooting angle.
By leveraging Pentax's built-in ASTROTRACER function, i can maximize my astrophotography sessions.
The previous cold front brought several consecutive days of clear skies to Taipei. Last Wednesday evening, I saw the sky was very clear so I decided to go to Anbu on a whim. That night I was the only one on the mountain, enjoying the entire sky full of stars to myself. Although feeling a bit lonely, I've grown accustomed to it. In the vast universe, solitude seems inevitable. It's a necessity of existence, consciousness, thought, and even creation.
However, if I shift my perspective and bring my thoughts back from drifting into space, the starry sky is so lively and bustling. The countless stars are like fruits within reach, waiting for me alone to pluck. The calls of owls and cuckoos surrounding me are like a rural symphony, again enjoyed solely by me. It's truly a luxury.
After the beginning of winter, around nine o'clock every night, Orion would rise from the eastern mountain of Anbu. The three stars of its belt are particularly eye-catching. Within Orion, there's a vast molecular cloud where stars are born. Not far below the belt, you can see a fuzzy patch of light with the naked eye – that's the Orion Nebula M42. It's approximately 1,500 light-years away from us, and its light primarily comes from the illumination of newborn young stars and the fluorescence produced by their high-temperature ionization of the surrounding gas. Observing Orion with an 8-inch telescope is truly spectacular. At around 50x magnification, you can see its outline resembling a spread-winged firebird. And at 300x magnification, it's as if you're sitting in a spaceship looking out the window, and the nebula appears incredibly clear and three-dimensional. That night, I only brought a camera lens, simply using the Pentax ASTROTRACER function to capture the star fields of Orion and the winter Milky Way. (1min x30 via Samyang 16mm lense at F3.5)
The following day and Sunday, I posted activity messages in line group before heading up the mountain, and Anbu became lively with five or six astronomy enthusiasts arriving with different equipment. Both nights, I brought my Pentax equatorial mount and telescope to capture deep-sky objects. Since my MS-3 only has a motor on the right ascension axis, after roughly aligning the polar axis with the polar scope, I needed to perform a Drift alignment for more accurate single-axis guiding. I used an MGENII guiding system to assist with the Drift alignment, so it wasn't difficult, just required patiently waiting for each measurement.
Talking about patience reminds me of a visit I made to the Taipei Fine Arts Museum a few days ago. I attended a guided tour of the "Too Loud a Solitude: A Century of Pathfinding for Eastern Gouache Painting in Taiwan" led by the painter Gao Yonglong. Teacher Gao(高永隆) mentioned that gouache painters often need to apply multiple layers of pigment, and each layer has to wait for the glue to dry before the next layer can be added. This process cultivates a lot of patience, and as a result, many gouache painters live long lives. Teacher Gao jokingly said, "Just look at these gouache painters, almost all of them live to be over ninety years old." When I got home, I searched online for some famous Taiwanese gouache painters like Lin Yinzhu(林之助), Chen Jin(陳進), Guo Xuehu(郭雪湖), and Lin Yushan(林玉山)… and realized that Teacher Gao wasn't exaggerating at all.
So, does that mean people who use the Drift method to align the polar axis will also live longer? But Nihonga painters don't stay up all night like we do, right? 😂😂😂
Additionally, the “飛地 ” exhibition on the first floor of the museum was also very interesting. I think "stargazing at Anbu" and this place can be perfectly related to the meaning of the word “飛地”。
“飛地” originally comes from the Latin word "enclave," meaning "a territory surrounded by another." Modern people use it to refer to a piece of land within a country that belongs to another country. In my opinion, regardless of the specific meaning, it can be seen as a private space where one can escape the constraints of the real world. Anbu is one of my many "enclaves," along with the book store, reading time, playing guitar, hiking, the banks of 河津川 in spring, and the depths of the universe pointed to by my telescope – all of these are my tangible or intangible “飛地(enclaves).”
I haven't had any specific celestial objects in mind to observe or photograph during my recent trips to the Anbu. Watching the night sky, that vast cosmic ocean brimming with stars, has become a routine. There seems to be a profound, almost imperceptible connection between us and the universe. Whenever the skies are clear and I'm not on the mountaintop, I feel a strange yearning, like an infant longing to return to the amniotic fluid.